The Big Bear site in Evergem is a tri-modal logistics hall covering approximately 180,000 m², the equivalent of 37 football fields. The primary request from the contractor was an extremely short deadline for the delivery and installation of dock levellers. Thanks to the responsiveness of our manufacturers and the strength of our group, Access Systems was able to offer a delivery time of just three weeks. This agility allowed us to secure the first phase of the project, which involved the supply and installation of 51 dock setups—comprising sectional doors, dock levellers, dock shelters, and bumpers—along with four large sectional doors. In the second phase, we delivered 57 additional dock setups and four more large sectional doors.

Dock levellers ensure optimal loading and unloading of goods, making transshipment operations faster and safer. The dock shelters provide optimal insulation during loading and unloading, protecting against weather conditions such as wind and rain. Dock bumpers help drivers position their trailers more accurately, reducing the risk of damage to the building structure. The sectional doors offer high levels of insulation, facilitate easy freight movement, and fully secure the building when closed.

In total, for this project, Access Systems will have equipped over 200 external access points and interior bays.