"Our integration into the EMI Group allowed us to retain our autonomy while benefiting from an international network and strong synergies. This has enabled us to grow while staying true to our values: respect, quality, and passion."
François Pirnay, Founder of Access Systems

"Our integration into the EMI Group allowed us to retain our autonomy while benefiting from an international network and strong synergies. This has enabled us to grow while staying true to our values: respect, quality, and passion."
François Pirnay, Founder of Access Systems
1. How did Access Systems come to be, and what motivated its creation?
Access Systems was founded by my colleagues Jean-Benoît, Andy, and me with a desire to bring something new to the industrial automatic access solutions sector. After several years working for a major player in the industry, where we all began as technicians before moving into commercial roles, we felt the need to embark on our journey. Changes within our previous company prompted us to rethink the model, and we saw an opportunity to offer more suitable, innovative solutions in the Belgian market.

2. What was your approach to setting Access Systems apart in the market?
Our market analysis revealed an opportunity: to create a company capable of providing not only high-quality products, but also a multi-brand and highly responsive after-sales service. The complementarity between Jean-Benoît, Andy, and me was a decisive asset. Jean-Benoît and I made all the strategic decisions together—commercial, operational, financial, and managerial. Meanwhile, Andy used his technical expertise to ensure the quality of installations and service. Together, we succeeded in reaching our short-term goals, whether on a one-year or three-year horizon, each time exceeding our expectations. Although the initial team has evolved, with Andy choosing a different path for his development, Jean-Benoit and I remain committed to continuing Access Systems’ story.
3. Why did you decide to join EMI Group in 2022, and how has this decision impacted the company?
In 2022, while seeking new ways to grow our business, EMI Group approached us through a shared supplier. Jerome France, the group’s founder, presented a clear vision and philosophy that aligned with our values. After several open discussions on our respective growth goals, it became apparent that partnering with EMI was the ideal opportunity for Access Systems. This collaboration came at the perfect time, as our company was at a turning point. Thanks to this partnership, we have been able to leverage EMI’s strength and network while maintaining our identity and autonomy.
4. What do you see as the main advantages of being part of the EMI Group for your Belgian branch?
Integration into EMI Group has offered us several significant benefits. Firstly, we have gained access to shared suppliers, which has greatly increased our procurement options and strengthened our negotiating power. This allows us to ensure more competitive costs and better service quality for our clients. Secondly, the improvement in our financial reporting is another major asset. The group’s support has enabled us to structure and clarify our financial processes, providing us with a clearer perspective and more efficient management of our business. There is also a strong synergy within the group: we share our knowledge and benefit from the expertise of other subsidiaries, allowing us to strengthen our own expertise and optimize our operations.
François Pirnay, Founder of Access Systems
The financial stability we have gained from the group’s support is another undeniable asset, especially in a demanding market like Belgium. Finally, access to an international network, particularly with suppliers, opens new opportunities and enables us to respond more effectively to our clients’ needs.
5. What challenges did you foresee when joining EMI Group, and how has this partnership ultimately strengthened your company?
Our main concerns revolved around losing our autonomy and decision-making freedom. We were apprehensive that joining a group of this scale might mean having to conform to directives that didn’t align with our vision. However, EMI upheld its commitments and respected our independence, which is essential for us. We have been able to continue operating according to our core values: respect, quality, and passion. This autonomy allows us to maintain our unique identity while benefiting from the group’s resources to continue growing and innovating.
6. Could you share some examples of recent projects or initiatives that illustrate the impact of this collaboration within the EMI Group?
Certainly, there are several concrete examples. For instance, in the BigBear project, we found a quick solution to meet the client’s requirements. Just ten days after our initial contact, we delivered 25 dock levelers. This rapid execution, combined with our product quality and installation expertise, earned the client’s trust and demonstrated our ability to meet deadlines. Another example is our collaboration with Léonidas. Thanks to the association between DECRAN and Access Systems, we won a contract where the client required a single supplier for all its products. This internal collaboration within the group allowed us to meet this need perfectly by combining our strengths and delivering a comprehensive, high-quality solution.

7. How do you view the evolution of your market in Belgium, and what opportunities lie ahead?
The Belgian market is becoming increasingly tight and demanding. We need to be extremely responsive and flexible to adapt to each client’s specific demands. This adaptability is essential in our strategy and is what enables us to remain competitive. Our organization, with its customer-focused strategies, is constantly improving to meet these demands. This is where a major opportunity lies: service. By focusing on a customer-centered approach, we are reinforcing our market position and ensuring our clients’ loyalty.
8. What practices do you consider essential for the success of your branch within an international group like EMI?
For us, it’s essential to continue working as we always have: analyzing, correcting, and improving. This ongoing process allows us to develop, structure, and strengthen our teams and processes. When combined with the strength and expertise that EMI Group brings, this approach not only ensures our current growth but also our future success.